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River City Runners
& Walkers Club

2025 Series Sign Up HERE!!
The RIVER CITY RUNNERS AND WALKERS CLUB proudly presents the 2025 River City Race Series. The series is designed to provide runners and walkers a chance to compete for a series championship involving races in Wood, Wirt, Pleasants and Ritchie Co. WV and Washington Co. Ohio. (Participating races in the series are listed on the back of this flyer.) Races will be scored using the system explained below, with awards being presented
at the RCRWC Banquet at the end of the season. Entry to the series is FREE. All you have to do is sign up, complete the required number of races (8) and be a member of the RCRWC.
​​ELIGIBILITY RULES: Entry applications must be submitted by May 5th. Participants must be 12 years old or older to enter the series. In 2025 , to be eligible for awards and a series shirt, participants must complete a total of 8 of the scheduled series races and be a River City Runners & Walkers Club member. Participants’ score will be based on their top 8 race scores, although racers are welcomed to compete in as many races as they would like. Race scoring starts at the participant’s date of entry into the series. The participant’s age group will be maintained throughout the series based on their age on April 1. The division a participant signs up for i.e. runner/walker will be maintained throughout the series. Entry into the Series can either be as a Runner
or Walker, not both or a combination of both. You can still participate in other Series Events in the other division, but only those races you complete per your registration as a Runner or Walker will count toward the Series.
​In 2025 a participant’s score will be determined by his/her percentile place of finish in that race. A win
will score an individual 100 points and a participant who finishes in the middle of the pack will score 50 points. Every finisher will score at least 1 point. To calculate how a race will be scored, take the number of finishers and add 1 to that total. From that total, subtract your place of finish. Next, divide that number by the total number of finishers and then multiply by 100. Bonus points will be given for each race. For each race you will receive one point for each mile of the race, unless otherwise noted. Please note: if the race director allows a virtual race it will still count for the series, but scoring will be a flat 50 points (no bonus participation points and no points for rankings).
Overall Finisher Points are awarded based on how a runner/walker finishes relative other participants. Points are awarded to the top ten male and female finishers, with first place receiving 10 points and tenth place getting one point. (Men and woman are scored together.)
POINT STANDINGS: The standings for everyone who officially enters the Running and Walking Series will be available on the webpage at . Standings will be updated within 3 days of the race.
AWARDS: Runner and Walker Divisions (No duplications of awards). Open: Overall awards will go to top 3 male and female finishers of the series. Age group awards will be at the discretion of the series director and dependent upon total participants. Everyone who completes the number of qualifying races will receive a consultation award.
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