River City Runners
& Walkers Club

Racing points as of 11/30/2024:
Male Runners Racing Roints
Female Runners Racing Points
Male Walkers Racing Points
Female Walkers Racing Points
Send RACE RESULTS to Joe Corra:
Please click here for Registration Form
Program is optional. Participants are asked to follow certain guidelines. You must be a club member to accumulate points and points start when you become an active member. To be eligible for awards, information must be submitted each month. Please submit your results at the end of each month or by the 7th of the following month. Please do not submit your results after each race, only at the end of the month.
Mark your calendars! Points are calculated from January 1 to December 31. Keep a log of the following and submit monthly: Date of Race, Name and Location of Race, Distance of Race, Race Time, and Awards (IF ANY). Example: 1/12/20 - Icicle 5K, Belpre, OH - 37.65 - 1-AG.
Individuals are responsible for submitting results of ALL races, including Series races, other RCRWC races, and outside races. ONLY REPORT A PLACING IF YOU ACTUALLY RECEIVED AN AWARD!
OVERALL AWARDS: Overall points are given according to the awards at each race. If a race gives three overall awards, finisher number 4 would earn 5 points for first place in his/her age group (not 7 points for 4th overall).
AGE GROUP AWARDS: Age Group points are awarded according to how the race is set up. If a race gives three age group places, points are given accordingly. If a participant comes in 4th in the age group, but only three places are awarded, no points are earned for placing in the age group. Points are always given for the miles run/walked for each race.
MILES: Miles points shall be determined by the advertised distance for the race: 5K -3.1; 10K - 6.2; Half Marathon - 13.1; etc. Do not give GPS distances. All participants receive 1 point for each race-mile run or walked, in addition to any overall or age group points earned. Walkers participating in a road race, even though there is no category for walkers, receive points for the race distance. If the walker places in the runner age group and has walked the entire race, then age group points will be given. However, you must walk the entire race!
Virtual Races shall be included until further notice: Mileage points for advertised distance are acceptable and use of GPS or other reasonable means, is allowed for determining the proper distance. However, No Award Points will be accepted for virtual races.
Overall Awards:
1st - 10 points 2nd - 9 points 3rd - 8 points 4th - 7 points 5th - 6 points
Age Groups:
1st - 5 points 2nd - 4 points 3rd - 3 points 4th - 2 points 5th - 1 point
Masters, Grand Masters, Senior Grand Masters:
1st - 8 points 2nd - 7 points 3rd - 6 points